Jun 5, 2018 | Pastor's Corner
One day I was out by the shed near our home and noticed that the garbage can was lying on its side. I went over to pick it up and found the can empty. Which was odd, because the day before my son had taken out the trash and I know a bag was in there. So where did it...
Apr 23, 2018 | Pastor's Corner
On May 20th, Pentecost Sunday, this congregation will celebrate the ministry of confirmation with some of our baptized members. Our definition of confirmation in the Lutheran Church is: A pastoral and educational ministry of the church which helps the baptized through...
Mar 29, 2018 | Pastor's Corner
Being a father is something I treasure. Being a father means teaching, role modeling, nurturing, loving, caring, listening, providing, and cheerleading with your children. But many times, being a father simply means hanging out and being. It was a beautiful spring day...
Feb 27, 2018 | Pastor's Corner
This year Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday fell on the same date. The last time that happened was in 1945. Also this year, Easter and April fool’s day share the same spot on the calendar. The last time that happened was 1956. It was a little strange back on February...
Jan 29, 2018 | Pastor's Corner
Lent is a time for reflection. We will hear stories about temptation and how Jesus welcomed the sinner. We will hear about losing our life, taking up our cross and following Christ. We will reflect on our own dying and rising through baptism. We will reflect on what...
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