
Burial Information, Forms, and Regulations
For information regarding the purchase of burial lots please call the church at 540-234-8161, or email to
Salem's old cemetery
Complete Interred List
This is a complete list of all those interred in Salem’s Cemetery.
Those highlighted in green are listed on a tombstone but with no corresponding records. Those in yellow are also on tombstones but still listed as living. The locations of those in red could not be verified in the cemetery. If you have information on any of these please contact the church office. (updated February 8th, 2020).
List of plot purchases
This is a complete list of all plots purchased in Salem’s Cemetery (as of February 8th, 2020).
Names & Lots
This is a layout in Excel format of names and lots in sections II, III, and IV. Click on the tabs in the lower left corner to access the different sections (updated February 8th, 2020).
Guidelines & Planning
Rules & regulations
Rules & Regulations of the Salem Lutheran Cemetery (approved May 5th, 2014).