
Talent Show - March 10th, 2018
Salem members and guests display their wide array of talent.
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National Youth Gathering
Again, Salem’s Youth Group, slightly less adorned.

Salem Lutheran Sanctuary
Salem’s sanctuary also offers traditional stained glass windows.

Bishop's Day - August, 2018
Kelly Bayer Derrick, Assistant to the Bishop, addresses members from the Southern Valley Conference in the Imagine Center during “Bishop’s Day” on August 19th, 2018.

Imagine Center Social Hall
The Imagine social hall is available for events such as weddings, graduations and more. Both round and rectangular tables are available.

Imagine Center Social Hall
The Imagine social hall, with significant floor space and accompanying stage area, can accommodate large groups for meals and other events.

National Youth Gathering
Salem Lutheran has a very active and vibrant Youth Group, here pictured in costume at the ELCA’s Tri-Annual Youth Gathering.

Bishop's Day - August, 2018
Bishop Bob Humphrey addresses a gathering from the Southern Valley Conference in the Imagine Center during “Bishop’s Day” on August 19th, 2018.

Salem Lutheran Sanctuary
Salem’s nave, sanctuary, overflow area (to the right), and balcony (not shown) are available for weddings and funerals.

Playground Work Gang
Some of the gang got together on a Saturday to perform maintenance and improvements on our playground.

Church Kitchen
Need to cater for a large group? The Imagine Center’s kitchen is available for any purpose.
Dedication of new Imagine Center - June 26th, 2011

Salem's new Imagine Center
Salem Lutheran’s new Imagine Center social hall just prior to the dedication ceremony. The addition was dedicated on Sunday, June 26th, 2011.

Imagine Center stage
The stage setting in the Imagine Center.

Blessing from Virginia Synod Bishop Jim Mauney
Bishop Mauney blesses the new Imagine Center social hall.

Dedication Meal begins
The congregation begins the dedication meal following the ceremony.

Ribbon cutting ceremony
The ribbon cutting ceremony with Virginia Synod Bishop Jim Mauney (second from right) and former Pastor Chris Carr (fourth from right), along with several congregation members.

Imagine Center dining hall
The Imagine Center dining hall set for the dedication meal.

Salem Ladies at work
Several of Salem’s ladies hard at work in the Imagine Center kitchen during the dedication.