Jan 29, 2018 | Pastor's Corner
Lent is a time for reflection. We will hear stories about temptation and how Jesus welcomed the sinner. We will hear about losing our life, taking up our cross and following Christ. We will reflect on our own dying and rising through baptism. We will reflect on what...
Jan 23, 2018 | Church Announcements
The Men’s Group will again serve Shrove Tuesday dinner from 5:00 – 7:00 PM on February 13th. Pancakes and sausage gravy are homemade, and will include chocolate chip, blueberry, and plain. This event will benefit Salem’s Special Health Needs Fund....
Jan 8, 2018 | Pastor's Corner
Imagine what life would be like in a snow globe. Everything would always be the same. The only time anything would ever change is when someone picked up your world and gave it a shake. A quiet, still, motionless world would just sit in waiting for an outside source to...
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