After Christmas, it seems like everyone asks that familiar question, “Did you have a good Christmas?” Or at the end of summer, “Did you have a good vacation?” But rarely are we asked, “Did you have a good Easter?” Maybe it’s because the Easter bunny isn’t nearly as exciting as Santa Claus coming down the chimney. Maybe it’s because a beach week is more invigorating than Holy Week. So I was paying attention this year to see how many people would ask me if I had a good Easter. The grand total was 3.
And how did I answer? I had a wonderful Easter. Maundy Thursday, with the washing of feet, Holy Communion, and stripping of the altar centered me on God’s love for the world. Good Friday moved me to the cross, where Christ underwent great suffering. Sunrise at the cemetery proved to be a powerful moment as the cows sang with us, “Christ is Risen, Alleluia!” And our Sunday service lifted my spirit as we proclaimed, “He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!”
So did I have a good Easter? You bet I did! As busy as Holy Week was, it’s the most invigorating season of them all. Sure, we lack the hoopla of buying gifts and decorating our homes, but isn’t that a blessing in itself? Holy Week should not have to compete with the secular world; Holy Week should be just that – HOLY.
I didn’t have a wonderful Easter because of presents or family get-togethers; I had a blessed Easter because I spent a Holy Week with my God. So I’m OK with only 3 people asking me how my Easter was, because this was a time for my faith to be stirred, this was a time to reflect on Christ’s love and faithfulness to me.
May the spirit of Easter live in us every day,
Pastor Derek
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