As we approach the Advent and Christmas season, we are bombarded by symbols that are unique to this time of the year. Christmas trees will soon be up, lights will brighten homes, and we may even see a few reindeer popping up in people’s yards. As Christians, we too have many symbols for this festive occasion.

My favorite is the Alpha and Omega. These are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. But more than that, Jesus says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” This realization is especially important during the Advent and Christmas season, because we are called to reflect on the claim that the Son of God existed from the very beginning and will remain to the very end. I find this to be very comforting, because in a constantly changing world we know one thing remains the same, and that is God’s love and grace for the world.

Therefore, as disciples our response is to be symbols of this love in a world that needs to see, hear, and feel the grace of God. This will be especially vital to those in our community who have lost their jobs, lost loved ones, or for one reason or another can find no hope for the future. What a wonderful opportunity we have to express our faith in the “Alpha and Omega” by sharing our gifts this holiday season with those who find it difficult to be joyful this year.

Pastor Derek