As we celebrated on Rally Day a new year of growth, I want to say a wholehearted thank you to all of our teachers out there who plan lessons, give their time, and understand the value of learning. I also want to thank all of our students, both young and old, who come each week to grow and be transformed.

We have an exciting year before us. Bob Humphrey is our new bishop and we look forward to his leadership among us in the Virginia Synod. We continue to be in prayer for a new Organist, while currently we are so thankful to Helen Marie, Debbie, and all of our musicians who enhance our worship each week. I look forward to many new ministry opportunities such as Rise Against Hunger, Christmas at Valley Mission, a fishing retreat, and a summer mission trip. I see in this upcoming year, much to be in prayer about and much to be enthusiastic about. From educational occasions, to worship, to outreach in our community – God will certainly be up to some amazing things.

Another area of growth that I look forward to is “YEAR 2” of our Confirmation program. Last year we focused on Luther’s Small Catechism and learning to navigate through the Bible. This year we will focus on what it means to be a disciple in today’s world. It’s kind of a So What Now response to our first year of learning. For example, students will be writing a sermon and involved with a ministry project. For the ministry project, each student will be engaged in some type of project that is meaningful for our congregation and/or community.
I will be helping them discern what area of ministry they are passionate about and in what area they would like to focus their attention. These ministry projects will include some of our church committees, so be ready for more information as we journey into autumn.

Thanks be to God for this place, for the people who make up this faith community, and for God’s Spirit that will journey with us in all that we do.

Pastor Derek