Pastor’s blog – July 2019 – Christmas in July

Every year at the end of December we celebrate Christmas.  Along with Easter, it’s one of our high holy times within the church year.  Christmas remembers the incarnation, as God enters the world in human form, through the person we know as Jesus.  Christmas reminds...

Pastor’s blog – June 2019 – Table Talk

I remember sitting around the large kitchen table at Grandma’s house eating golden fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, pound cake, sugar cookies, and persimmon pudding.  It was always a feast and it was always delicious.  But I also enjoyed the wonderful...

Pastor’s blog – May 2019 – Sharing Peace

In our liturgy each week something happens after the prayers and prior to Holy Communion that is normal for us Lutherans, but might seem odd to visitors.  We call it the “Sharing of Peace”.  Many denominations practice this ritual during worship, while many others...

Holy Week Activities

Palm Sunday: Procession with Palms at 11 am with Easter egg hunt following worship Maundy Thursday: Meal begins in the Imagine Center at 6:15, followed by worship, foot-washing, Holy Communion, and the Stripping of the Altar Good Friday: Tenebrae Service in the...