In 2nd Corinthians we hear one of the greatest lines regarding stewardship: God loves a cheerful giver. It is truly a blessing to be surrounded by cheerful givers. Cheerful giving is contagious. Rather than reluctantly giving of our time, talent, and treasure, cheerful givers smile knowing that their efforts matter for someone else. Recently, I was given a small antique paper box that came from Audrey Alexander’s home. It’s worn around the edges, it’s faded and stained. On this old and fragile box are pictures and words about giving to others. So it seems to be an offering box. On the bottom, are the words: Lutheran Church in America. Obviously, Audrey had this for a long time, before we became the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Inside of this box were many coins Audrey was saving for our noisy offering on the first Sunday of each month. And on the Sunday after her funeral I had the honor of pouring the contents of this old and fragile box into our little collection church. As I slowly added the coins, I smiled knowing how cheerful Audrey would be that her giving matters.
I found myself smiling again on the closing day of our VBS. So many people volunteered their time, talent, and treasure to make the week possible. We had people volunteer as leaders, teachers, drivers, cooks, cleaners, musicians, technical supporters, photographers, decorators, game creators, and water dunk-ees. The greatest decorations I saw during the week were the cheerful smiles on these volunteers that knew all of their time, talent, and treasure mattered.
After Paul writes that God loves a cheerful giver, he goes on to say: God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.
It is truly a blessing to be surrounded by cheerful givers.
It is truly a blessing to share abundantly the good work God has set before us.
Peace, Pastor Derek
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